Monday, February 3, 2014

Chickens behaving badly ....

As you know I am still somewhat new to raising chickens and there is a problem with some of the girls which I don't understand.

One of the girls is being abused by at least the dominant hen.  The bossy hen has been nipping off feathers from the other.  So far she hasn't plucked any, but she snips them off at about 2 inches from the skin.  I have seen this hen pull feathers off a few of the others, and eat the feather, but there is only this one pitiful hen who is continually abused.

They have oyster shells and their main food is for "layers",  they also wander the yard and eat plenty of bugs.  They also get "kitchen" food and scratch grains to supplement.

I would appreciate any ideas and/or suggestions you may have.

Thank you.