Or are you crazy for salads? Start your garden with lettuces, cucumbers, radishes, and all those other good veggies that make great salads.
Simply grow more of what you eat most often.
Vegetables such as lettuces and spinach prefer a cooler temperature so plant them early in the season and plan to replace them with another vegetable which prefer the warmer, summer temperatures, such as green and yellow beans. Vining varieties take up little space if trained on a trellis or fence and are heavy produces.

What type of seed or seedlings to buy? Hybrids are raised to be disease resistant, to grow to special requirements such as colors and sizes. However, their seeds don't reproduce when planted.
For best flavor and to be able to save the seeds for next year, I recommend getting Heirloom seeds/plants and in order to be assured they are chemical free, also grow Organic.
The Heirloom/Organic seeds/seedlings will feed your family this year, and every year with the healthiest and best tasting vegetables possible.
Have fun planning your new garden!
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