After a long search and lots of planning we have found a new home for Henny Penny Farm!

This year will be extremely busy for us as we start out on this journey of restarting our lives and our little farm far away.... at least far away from Connecticut. We will be moving to southern Virginia to an abandoned farm with 35 acres of hay-fields, woods and tiny pond. Except for a small, ancient barn and a century old house which has been empty for decades, we will be building the entire place from the ground up. We will also be living out of our motor-home for quite a while.

While we are establishing the new place, we still must empty our home and sell it. Talk about down-sizing! We are moving out of a 12 room house and into a 32 foot motor-home and relocating from Main Street in town with lots of neighbors to the middle of nowhere with neighbors few and far between......
The journey begins next weekend as we move the motor-home to the site on the day we close. We will spend that weekend inspecting our purchase, and clearing away overgrowth around the house and barn areas. Then, each month, we will travel the 600+ miles back down to the farm for another long weekend of clearing, building and planning. If all goes smoothly we will be able to move there by our personal deadline of June. In the meantime I will still be planting our garden as usual, in CT.
So, there will be lots to do and talk about, and lots of photos to be taken along the way.