Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Signs of Life in the Garden....At Last

It seems like it is taking forever for the seeds to develop into plants in the garden, but yesterday I noticed a few signs that something is happening.  Tiny sprouts in the carrot bed and Swiss Chard bed.
A few tiny lettuce leaves are trying to grow, and the peas are about 2 inches tall.  There is, however, no sign of the Spinach. 

The tomato transplants are adapting nicely to being in the garden.  Whenever I plant tomatoes I can't help but revisit memories of my grandfather and his garden.  He had the best tomatoes!  Of course in my memories the plants were taller than me, and the tomatoes were so large my little hands could barely hold one.  When I am working in the garden I am close to my Pepere (French grandfather)  again even though it has been 52 years since he passed.  He would grow the veggies and my grandmother would can preserve them.  Pepere also raised chickens for eggs and meat. 

Springtime was blueberry season and Memere (grandmother), my mother and aunt, and my brother, sister, me and a cousin would get out our  lunch pails and walk to the wooded area behind the old high school where the best wild blueberries grew in abundance.  We children would pick the berries from the low bushes, and the adults would collect from the tall berry bushes.  It was a wonder we brought home so many blueberries since we would eat nearly as many as we picked.  Nowadays in order to bring my grandchildren berry picking we must drive to a farm for cultivated berries.   To me these cultivated blueberries are bland and have no flavor in comparison to the wild variety.

I would love to locate a source for blueberry bushes like the ones they have in Maine. 

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