Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Day in the Garden ... at last

Spring finally came around this weekend and at long last we were able to work outside comfortably.  Nick built a new run for the chickens, moving out the one he made last year.  After covering the space with mulch which has been breaking down since last year, we now have a 20 x 20 foot new garden bed for this season's tomatoes.

I planted garlic, I have no idea if I am too early or too late with them, but since I had been keeping them in the fridge and they were now sprouting, I decided it shouldn't be too uncomfortable for them out in the garden.  I will hold off on planting the onion sets until May. 

This year I have decided to plant four varieties of tomatoes, all meaty types for canning.  I planted 32 seeds today in paper cups filled with potting soil.  In a couple of weeks I will start more, along with peppers. 

We are traveling to NC this weekend to view several small farms in the Raleigh vicinity.  We are both excited about possibly finding our new home and having our own small farm.  The improvement in the weather won't hurt either since the temperature there averages 10-15 degrees warmer than here, and with a longer growing season.

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